Hill's Science Diet Adult Chicken & Barley Recipe Dry Dog Food

Petco $18.99 Go to Petco First seen in Nov 2023
Veterinarian RecommendedMore vets feed and recommend Science Diet than any other brand.Veterinarians know the value of balanced nutrition. Science Diet Adult is properly balanced to protect against excesses and deficiencies:Too little linoleic acid can cause excessive shedding.Too much protein can worsen kidney problems.Balanced calcium level helps maintain strong bones and teeth.Superior nutrition for the lifelong health of your pet.For dogs one to six years.With real white meat chicken.Provides highly digestible and complete nutrition your adult dog needs to thrive.Superior antioxidant formula.Higher levels of vitamins C and E.Promotes healthy immune system.Formulated for healthy skin and coat.Great taste your dog will love.Balanced for health, energy, and longevity with:High quality protein to help maintain strong muscle, skeletal, and organ systems, includes all 12 essential amino acids.Essential fatty acids (linoleic acid) plus omega-3 fatty acid for healthy skin and coat, nervous and immune system.Digestible carbohydrates for abundant energy with the right amount of fiber for gastrointestinal health.Enriched with essential vitamins and minerals.Protects your dog with 23 vitamins and minerals for maximum health including:Vitamin E: antioxidantVitamin A: supports vision and immunityVitamin B: proper metabolism and appetiteCholine: nerve healthCalcium: maintains strong bones and teethVitamin D: calcium absorptionSelenium: healthy immune functionIron: builds red blood cells
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