Wellness Complete Health Natural Puppy Health Recipe Dry Dog Food

Petco $37.69 Go to Petco First seen in Nov 2023
Wellness Complete Health dry puppy food for all sizes includes wholesome grains in a nutrient rich kibble. Our formula is thoughtfully made with USDA "fit for human consumption" whole foods including deboned chicken, oatmeal, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries and ground flaxseed. Our Just for Puppy formula supports bone and muscle development, features a smaller sized kibble for smaller mouths and contains a natural source of DHA to support brain development specifically targeted for your puppy. Super5Mix recipes represents a synergistic combination of natural ingredients created with your dog's whole-health in mind. We start with premium, human-grade ingredients including pure protein sources and wholesome grains and combine them with our unique mix of complementary nutritional supplements we call it our 5 for Life Supplement System. We use fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant power, phytonutrient rich botanicals and herbs for wellbeing, and utilize omega-fatty acids for cellular function. We also include essential vitamins, chelated minerals, calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth. Plus, we ensure excellent nutrient digestibility through our Digestool confirmation studies - less nutrients in the stool, means more nutrients stay in the body.
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